Many foundations have spokespersons who represent well the organization, yet may have no first-hand experience of the disease or birth defect such foundation represents. Not so with the new spokesperson representing the WCF. Stacy Keach, or Papa Titus as many know him today from television, has accepted the position of spokesperson for the WCF. The fortune of his representation is that, born with cleft lip and partial cleft of the hard palate, he understands the need for children with facial deformities to be given the opportunity of correcting the deformity through medical treatment.
“Nothing prepares a parent for the shock of a child born with a facial deformity,” explained Stacy. “Nevertheless, my parents did what they had to do to correct the birth defect. I had four surgeries as a young child, beginning at the tender age of six months and continuing until I was age 4. There was no medical insurance available and the financial burden was overwhelming. My father was a drama teacher at Armstrong Junior College in Savannah, Georgia. My mother wasn’t working at the time. By the grace of God, my maternal grandfather was able to help my parents make ends meet. Quite frankly, I don’t know what my parents would have done without his help.”